Over the last eight years I have become more involved in Biomimicry. From August 2013 – August 2014 I served as the Biomimicry Fellows Coordinator for The University of Akron Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center (BRIC). In this role I coordinated UA biomimicry PhD Fellows and their corporate sponsors to improve communication and help facilitate collaboration. I also became a project manager, managing a joint Council Meeting between UA faculty and PhD Fellows, industry teams from Parker Hannifin, Sherwin-Williams, GOJO, Ross Environmental and members of Great Lakes Biomimicry, the first Founding Affiliate of Biomimicry 3.8 the world-renowned international biomimicry organization. I think the biomimicry “movement” is deeper than designing synthetics that emulate the natural system but is a unique way for biologists to come to the design table with engineers, business and marketing professionals, designers, artists and other scientists – ultimately changing the way we think about and develop our future world. Ideally, we do this in a sustainable way. Biomimicry was named one of the “Five Tech Trends That Can Drive Company Success” by Forbes. Interest was so great, a detailed article on Biomimicry soon followed (see link HERE). For more information on Biomimicry follow the links above or check out Janine Benyus’ book (Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature) which inspired the movement (and me!). Janine also has two great TED talks (2005 Talk, 2009 Talk).
Janine Benyus meeting one of the geckos at the University of Akron
Janine Benyus meeting with the first Biomimicry PhD Fellows at the University of Akron
October 2020: My first biomimicry grant submitted with a great education team in Louisiana!
NSF Discovery Research K-12, Division Of Research On Learning #2101566. Making inspired by nature2: a platform for teaching engineering design through maker-centered learning and biomimicry. With D. Williams (University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA), A. Barber, (University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA), P. Sheppard (University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA).
May 2020: My colleague and I wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal on how biomimicry can be used to help us navigate the global pandemic and other catastrophic events. Check it out HERE.
November 2019: New biomimicry and business article published! Check out our thoughts on biomimicry and entrepreneurship HERE.
Fernhaber, S. & A. Y. Stark. 2019. Biomimicry: new insights for entrepreneurship scholarship. Journal of Business Venturing Insights 12: 12:e00137. doi.org/10.1016/j.jbvi.2019.e00137
2018-2019: I discuss biomimicry with elementary school students via Skype in collaboration with Douglas Williams, Ph.D., Director Center for Innovative Learning and Assessment Technologies (CILAT) University of Louisiana at Lafayette
October 2016: Another article on biomimicry is out in a biomimicry journal! Check it out this opinion piece HERE.
Stark, A. Y. 2016. Biomimicry: what’s in it for us? A biologist’s perspective on how biomimicry can inform studies of the natural world. Zygote Quarterly 17(3): 80-93 (refereed opinion piece)
January 2016: My first biomimicry manuscript! In collaboration with two excellent elementary school teachers from Louisville, KY. We piloted a 4-day 4th grade science lesson using ants to explore how biological organisms can be the champions who solve our (human) problems. The article is published in Science and Children.
Walker, C. S., R. L. Ethington & A. Y. Stark. 2016. Who is your champion? A look at the structure and function of animals to help solve a problem. Science and Children 53(9): 39-45
December 2015: Learn more about my path in Biomimicry HERE in The Biomimicry Institute’s “Meet the Biomimic” series.
May 2015: Check out our website HERE on biomimicry in Louisville, KY! Kicked off by a great Symposium on Biomimicry held May 7th 2015, supported by the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research at the University of Louisville.